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CONTACTfile CRM: everything you'll ever need for managing your contacts

contact manager screen contact record Printed list
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  • Keep details for any number of people working at the same company CRM Software
  • Keep details for any number of people living at the same address
  • Easily deal with change of addresses
  • Record work contact details
  • Find contacts using quick and easy search functions
  • Keep a detailed log of all communications with contacts
  • Create ad hoc reminders
  • Create scheduled reminders - birthdays, contract renewals etc
  • Group contacts in unlimited ways
  • Generate strings (groups) of email addresses for bulk emailing
  • Send SMS text messages to individuals or groups
  • Produce sets of labels or printed lists of addresses
  • Import existing contact data
  • Export your data for use in other software
Contact File
Softbits was running its business by using several different packages to achieve contact management, invoicing, quoting and maintenance of its software database. The company decided it was time to look for a single package that would do all or most of these things for them. [More]
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contact file from BarnData Ltd
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