+44(0)1903 812332

Stand-alone, or

network installation
for PCs

Other devices see cloud install

Free Download

Please tell us who you are:

Full Name:  

Email address:  

Telephone Number :  

How did you find us?

Which version of CONTACTfile most interests you?:

CRM: business contact-management system
Pro: CRM plus business tools

If you are interested in looking at add-on modules, please say which:

Pay slip
Help desk
Document Manager

Purchase code (if applicable):

We want you to succeed in using this software. To assist you, we will send you a series of seven emails, which are designed to help you, and which will suggest features that may be of interest. Please remove the tick if you do not need this help.


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Technical requirements

CONTACTfile will function on any PC, but please note that it must have Windows 2000 or later, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit, Windows 8. If Microsoft Access in installed, it must be from Office 2000 or later. If Microsoft Access is not installed, the Runtime version can be downloaded free of charge (next page). CONTACTfile will also function with Microsoft Access 64-bit, but do download the correct version. Note that Windows user profiles with an apostrophe in can cause programming errors whenever a full pathname has to be used.

CONTACTfile will not install on a Mac unless you have a PC emulator installed. CONTACTfile can be used on a Mac if the Cloud option is taken.


Contact File
My CONTACTfile database is fantastic, and what is even more fantastic is the patient handholding and question answering that you have offered to this nervous database newbie. Thanks so much. Highly recommended! [More Testimonials]
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contact file from BarnData Ltd
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VAT no 892 4620 05 WISBECH, Cambridgeshire PE14 0HQ Tel: 0800 01 968 10.