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Technical support: CONTACTfile downloads

1. Upgrade CONTACTfile:

From time to time, CONTACTfile will be replaced with a newer version. These are free to all registered users. Click here to begin the upgrade process.

2. Data management files:

  • Template for importing new contact data: Excel file excelfilestructure.xls
  • Template for importing the list of items from which you receive income: Excel file itemlist.xls

3. Making a network data location 'trusted':

When CONTACTfile data is placed in a non-default location (such as when setting up a network) the new directories must be made 'trusted'. Click the Install button, run the routine, and make sure that you choose your new own-choice data directory as the installation directory.


4. For cloud installations:

If you are hosting a cloud server, and need to install CONTACTfile there, special downloads are available to you. Click here to find out more.

5. BETA-version upgrades:

For testers, and for the more adventurous users. ENSURE THAT YOU INSTALL THE REGULAR VERSION FIRST, and then run the upgrade by clicking the appropriate button below:

    • CONTACTfile: version 6.0x or later
    • CONTACTfile with Office link: version 6.0x or later
Contact File
I am very pleased to be using CONTACTfile. It saves me so much time, and helps me do a really professional job. All it takes is a click to contact members by email or text, to produce a list of those who have not paid their subscription, to produce a full list of members with addresses, telephone numbers etc. [More]
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contact file from BarnData Ltd
© BarnData Ltd. All rights reserved. Company number 5893579, Registered in England and Wales
VAT no 892 4620 05 WISBECH, Cambridgeshire PE14 0HQ Tel: 0800 01 968 10.