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Going Back To Basics When Choosing An Easy CRM Contact Management System For Your Company

Finding a Client Management System that is right for your business can be a very daunting task. The internet has been flooded with numerous companies claiming to have the best client management system that money can buy, but are they really telling the truth? There are so many systems to choose from, that many people deliberately postpone the lengthy task of searching the internet for one that is right for their business.

Client Management Systems come in many forms. They all have different prices, from the very cheap, to the very expensive and all come with different features to choose from. Some come with lengthy contracts, where as some come with a single one-off fee for purchasing the software.

With certain CRM management systems costing hundreds of pounds, are the expensive systems better?

Or is it a case, like many things nowadays, where going back to basics can be the best option for your business? Client Management Systems should serve one main purpose, and that is to manage your clients. Sometimes, especially with small businesses, many people are only looking for that feature. They only want to be able to see who their clients are, where they are based, and the contact that they have had with that client. Many management systems now come with invoice creation, complicated report functions and can contain information that, really has no use to anyone.

When searching for Client Management Systems, we realised that after searching through the numerous management systems that had been recommended to us, that they all came with useless features and time consuming setups, which for a small business, isn't what you want. Every piece of software we looked at had something to offer us, but none of them seemed to offer everything we wanted. We weren't looking for a complicated system with hundreds of features; we just wanted something to manage our clients. Very few of these fancy looking systems really seem to offer you the key features that a Client Management System should contain. They offer one or two features you need, but if you use that piece of software, you're then forced to search for a system that offers you the other one or two features that your first piece of software didn't offer.

Five useful tips when searching for a Client Management System:

  1. You should go back to basics. Forget about the all the flashy things that these systems claim to do and just spend time to really work out what YOU need the system to do.
  2. Spend time to do some research on the internet. Read some reviews about management systems that customers have given. Finding an honest review of a product from a customer is much more useful that believing the word of the company selling it.
  3. Narrow your search down to between three and five systems that look like they could benefit your business. After all, you're not buying it to benefit your clients.
  4. Get some feedback from your colleagues. These are the people that are going to be using it, so what better way to make a decision than to put it to a group vote.
  5. If a decision can't be made then perhaps get someone else to search for a management system, as they may look at it from a different perspective and find something much better for your business.

We spent months looking for a Client Management System that was right for our company, and in the end, the simplest system we found turned out to be the best. We could customise it to contain information we wanted it to and weren't forced into features that served us no purpose. The best part? It was also the cheapest system we found that turned out to be the best. It just goes to show that if you know exactly what you're looking for, the process of finding a Client Management System that is right for your business, doesn't have to take up all of your time and doesn't have to cost the earth.

Going back to basics really is the best way forward for finding an easy to use contact manager that will get used n a daily basis.

For the small and medium-size business, CONTACTfile Pro offers organised and effective CRM Software to store details of your contacts, be reminded to get in touch, and the communications you have made with them. After many months of searching for simple easy to use sofwtare for our own business, we found that this simple but effective Windows CRM Software not only saved money, but turned out to be the most productive and easy to use contact manager.

Contact File
I have been using CONTACTfile for a few months now and find it easy to use and a really excellent tool for helping me to manage my contacts. Whilst I haven't investigated all of the functionality available to me yet, I am very impressed so far not only with the way it functions but with the excellent support that I receive from CM Databases. [More]
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